Топик Global Problems of Today. Что написать в сочинении на тему "терроризм" Техническое обеспечение урока

Terrorism Essay, Research Paper

Why do people resort to such violent acts as bombing, assassinations, and hi-jacking? How do individuals and organizations justify these acts of terror? These acts can be described as terrorist actions. Terrorism is a growing international problem and an excellent example of the strain theory. People feel strain when they are exposed to cultural goals that they are unable to obtain because they do not have access to culturally approved means of achieving those goals (Kendall, 1998) and so turn to acts of terrorism. During the last twenty years, new terrorist groups have sprung up al lover the world. Governments have had little success in their attempts to resolve issues in which terrorism is used.

A major problem in discussing terrorism is establishing a generally accepted definition. Terrorism can be described as the unlawful use of fear or force to achieve certain political, economical, or social aims. Because it is so hard to define, organizations like the United Nations have had great difficulty drawing up policies against terrorism.

A single individual, a certain group, or even governments may commit terrorist actions. Most terrorists, unlike criminals, claim to be dedicated to higher causes, and do not believe in personal gain. The methods used in terrorism include threats, bombings, and the destruction of property, kidnapping, the taking of hostages, executions, and assassinations.

There are many reasons why political groups attempt to bring about radical change through terrorism. People are often frustrated with their position in society. They may in some way feel persecuted or oppressed because or their race, religion, or they feel exploited by a government. Any group that uses terrorist actions have very complex and powerful reasons to engage in those activities.

The use of terror to achieve goals is not a new idea in history. One early terrorist group, the assassins, flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries. The assassins used murder to dispose of their enemies, and their name has come to be used for one who kills for political or religious reasons. Government terrorism dates at least from immediately after the French Revolution, in 1789. During this period, known as the “Reign of Terror,” the French Revolutionary executed thousands of its citizens who were considered enemies of its rule.

Individuals or groups who seek national independence have committed acts of terrorism. One such act was the assassination of the archduke of France in 1914 (Compton s Encyclopedia, 1998). The assassination had sought to win Bosnia form Austrian rule, but failed and led to the outbreak of World War I.

Kings and government officials are often the targets of terrorism. Members of a terrorist group that wanted to overthrow the government assassinated Czar Alexander of Russia in 1881. Other famous people who were assassinated because of their beliefs were Martin Luther King Jr., and Pope John Paul II, who was shot, but survived.

While many groups have engaged in terrorism throughout history, the Anarchist political groups in the 19th century are most remembered. These groups were especially strong in Italy, France, Spain, and the United Sates, but their roots lie within the Russian peoples will movement. Anarchists believe that by nature people are good, and that in the right circumstances people can leave in peace. They oppose all centralized state and think it is an oppressive force that prevents people from cooperating with one another.

Modern Terrorism retains some elements of terrorism in the past. At the same time it differs because it has a wider extent in many of its methods. Today, terrorism poses a threat to innocent people, and is a serious threat to democratic forms of government.

One of the characteristics of modern terrorists is their practice of taking hostages in order to force their demands upon a particular government. If demands are not met, the hostages face the threat of death. Hi-jacking commercial airlines and holding their passengers and crews hostage has become a favored method among terrorist today.

Many people believe that terrorism became global in its extent in the late 1960 s. In 1970 over 300 acts of terrorism were recorded worldwide. By 1979the number of terrorist incidents for one year increased to 3,700.

Politically unstable countries offer frequent opportunities for terrorism. Lebanon, which has been torn by years of Civil War, has been the sight of numerous terrorist attacks.

In addition to terrorist groups, governments today also engage in terrorism. Countries sometimes use terrorism as a substitute for traditional warfare by providing money, training, and weapons to terrorist groups whose activities serve their national aims. Governments may also plan and carry out terrorist actions themselves, although they usually deny responsibility for them.

It is unlikely that we will ever see and end to terrorism. Terrorists are not born, but created by issues of today develop into the conflicts of tomorrow.

    After President Carter agreed to admit the Shah of Iran into the US, Iranian radicals seized the US Embassy in Teheran and took 66 American diplomats hostage. Thirteen hostages were soon released, but the remaining 53 were held until their release on January 20, 1981.

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    Twelve people were killed, and 5,700 were injured in a Sarin nerve gas attack on a crowded subway station in the centre of Tokyo, Japan. A similar attack occurred nearly simultaneously in the Yokohama subway system. The Aum Shinri-kyu cult was blamed for the attacks .

    A bomb exploded aboard a Paris subway train as it arrived at the Port Royal station, killing two French nationals, a Moroccan, and a Canadian, and injuring 86 people. Among those injured were one US citizen and a Canadian. No one claimed responsibility for the attack , but Algerian extremists are suspected.

    Twelve people were injured Sunday in a suicide bombing at the entrance to a Shia mosque in the Pakistani city of Sargodha, police said. The suicide bomber blew himself up when he was stopped by security personnel at the entrance. The blast took place minutes before evening prayers began.

    Despite some setbacks , al Qaeda"s core leadership in Pakistan remains the biggest threat to the United States, and the group continues to expand and strengthen worldwide, according to a new State Department report. Last year, al Qaeda"s "core in Pakistan remained the most formidable terrorist organization targeting the U.S. homeland ," says the report, "Country Reports on Terrorism."

    Al-Shabaab, the Somali militant group that claimed responsibility for Sunday"s deadly attacks in Uganda, is promising to "unleash a new tide of terror ," but Uganda"s leader has vowed to "deal with the authors of this crime and fight back." "This is only the beginning," Al-Shabaab warned Thursday in a statement on the internet.

    Islamic militants with ties to al Qaeda claimed responsibility Thursday for this week"s suicide attack on a television station in Iraq that killed at least six people and wounded 20 others . The Islamic State of Iraq praised the attack as "a blessed operation and one of a series of the blessed prisoner conquests in order to defeat the Safavid (Shiite) project and their stooges in Baghdad," in a statement posted to a terrorist website.

    A terrorist attack apparently aimed at two Jewish centers in Chicago was thwarted when two packages the size of bread boxes containing explosives were intercepted in Europe and the Middle East, counterterrorism officials announced Friday.

    The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebels kidnapped a US citizen in Sabaneta. FARC members also killed three people, wounded fourteen, and kidnapped at least 27 others at a roadblock near Bogota. Four US citizens and one Italian were among those kidnapped, as well as the acting president of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and his wife.

2. Прочтите текст резолюции на русском и английском языках и подберите эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям.

Под эгидой ООН; in conformity with the relevant provisions of national and international law; поощрять всеобщее участие в существующих международных антитеррористических конвенциях и их осуществление; the speedy adoption of the pending conventions; привлекать к ответственности лиц, виновных в совершении террористических актов; to grant refugee status; меры по ликвидации международного терроризма; to deny terrorists safe haven; в целях противодействия угрозе терроризма; to consider smth as a matter of priority; пресечение актов международного терроризма; to contribute to the efforts to combat terrorism; осуждать акты терроризма как преступные и не имеющие оправдания; to commend the work done by the General Assembly; лицо, ищущее убежище; through all lawful means.

Резолюция 1269, принятая Советом Безопасности на 4053-м заседании UN Security Council Resolution 1269
Совет Безопасности , The Security Council ,
будучи озабочен растущим числом актов международного терроризма, который представляет опасность для жизни и благосостояния людей во всем мире, а также для мира и безопасности всех государств; deeply concerned by the increase in acts of international terrorism which endangers the lives and well-being of individuals worldwide as well as the peace and security of all States;
осуждая все акты терроризма, независимо от мотивов, где бы и кем они ни совершались, condemning all acts of terrorism, irrespective of motive, wherever and by whomever committed,
памятуя обо всех соответствующих резолюциях Генеральной Ассамблеи, включая резолюцию 49/60 от 9 декабря 1994 года, в которой она приняла Декларацию о мерах по ликвидации международного терроризма, mindful of all relevant resolutions of the general assembly, including resolution 49/60 of December 9, 1994, by which it adopted the Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism,
подчеркивая необходимость активизации борьбы с терроризмом на национальном уровне и укрепления под эгидой Организации Объединенных Наций эффективного международного сотрудничества в этой области на основе принципов Устава Организации Объединенных Наций и норм международного права, включая уважение международного гуманитарного права и прав человека, emphasizing the necessity to intensify the fight against terrorism at the national level and o strengthen, under the auspices of the United Nations, effective international cooperation in this field on the basis of the principles of the charter of the United Nations and norms of international law, including respect for international humanitarian law and human rights,
поддерживая усилия по поощрению всеобщего участия в существующих международных антитеррористических конвенциях и их осуществления, а также по разработке новых международных документов в целях противодействия угрозе терроризма, supporting the efforts to promote universal participation in and implementation of the existing international anti-terrorist conventions, as well as to develop new international instruments to counter the terrorist threat,
высоко оценивая работу, проделанную Генеральной Ассамблеей, соответствующими органами и специализированными учреждениями Организации Объединенных Наций и региональными и другими организациями в целях борьбы с международным терроризмом, commending the work done by the General Assembly, relevant United Nations organs and specialized agencies and regional and other organizations, to combat international terrorism,
будучи преисполнен решимости внести вклад в соответствии с Уставом Организации Объединенных Наций в усилия по борьбе с терроризмом во всех его формах, determined to contribute, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, to the efforts to combat terrorism in all its forms,
подтверждая , что пресечение актов международного терроризма, включая те, к которым причастны государства, представляет собой важнейший вклад в поддержание международного мира и безопасности, reaffirming that the suppression of acts of international terrorism, including those in which States are involved, is an essential contribution to the maintenance of international peace and security,
1) безоговорочно осуждает все акты, методы и практику терроризма как преступные и не имеющие оправдания, независимо от их мотивов, во всех их формах и проявлениях, где бы и кем бы они ни совершались, особенно те, которые могли бы угрожать международному миру и безопасности; 1) unequivocally condemns all acts, methods and practices of terrorism as criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivation, in all their forms and manifestations, wherever and by whomever committed, in particular those which could threaten international peace and security;
2) призывает все государства в полном объеме осуществить международные антитеррористические конвенции, участниками которых они являются, и предлагает всем государствам рассмотреть в первоочередном порядке вопрос о присоединении к тем из них, участниками которых они не являются, и предлагает также как можно скорее принять еще не принятые конвенции; 2) calls upon all states to implement fully the international anti-terrorist conventions to which they are parties, encourages all States to consider as a matter of priority adhering to those to which this are not parties; and encourages also the speedy as option of the pending conventions;
3) обращает особое внимание на жизненно важную роль Организации Объединенных Наций в деле укрепления международного сотрудничества по борьбе с терроризмом и подчеркивает важность более широкой координации между государствами, международными и региональными организациями; 3) stresses the vital role of the United Nations in strengthening international cooperation in combating terrorism and emphasizes the importance of enhanced coordination among States, international and regional organizations;
4) призывает все государства предпринять, в частности, в контексте такого сотрудничества и координации соответствующие шаги по: 4) calls upon all States to take, inter alia, in the context of such cooperation and coordination, appropriate steps to:
– взаимному сотрудничеству, особенно на основе двусторонних и многосторонних соглашений и механизмов, в целях предотвращения и пресечения террористических актов, защиты своих граждан и других лиц от посягательств террористов и привлечения к ответственности лиц, виновных в совершении таких актов; – cooperate with each other, particularly through bilateral and multilateral agreements and arrangements, to prevent and suppress terrorist acts, protect their nationals and other persons against terrorist attacks and bring to justice the perpetrators of such acts;
– предотвращению и пресечению на своей территории всеми законными средствами деятельности по подготовке и финансированию любых актов терроризма; – prevent and suppress in their territories through all lawful means the preparation and financing of any acts of terrorism;
– отказу тем, кто планирует, финансирует и совершает террористические акты, в убежище посредством обеспечения их ареста и судебного преследования или выдачи; – deny those who plan, finance or commit terrorist acts safe haven by ensuring their apprehension and prosecution or extradition;
– принятию, до предоставления статуса беженца, надлежащих мер согласно соответствующим положениям национального законодательства и международного права, включая международные стандарты в области прав человека, в целях установления того, что лицо, ищущее убежище, не принимало участия в террористических актах; – take appropriate measures in conformity with the relevant provisions of national and international law, including international standards of human rights, before granting refugee status, for the purpose of ensuring that the asylum-seeker has not participated in terrorist acts;
– обмену информацией в соответствии с международным правом и национальным законодательством и сотрудничеству в административных и судебных вопросах в целях предотвращения террористических актов; – exchange information in accordance with international and domestic law, and cooperate on administrative and judicial matters in order to prevent the commission of terrorist acts;
5) просит Генерального секретаря в своих докладах Генеральной ассамблее, особенно представляемых в соответствии с ее резолюцией 50/53 о мерах по ликвидации международного терроризма, уделять особое внимание необходимости предотвращения угрозы международному миру и безопасности, исходящей от террористической деятельности, и борьбы с ней; 5) requests the Secretary-General, in his reports to the General Assembly, in particular submitted in accordance with its resolution 50/53 on measures to eliminate international terrorism, to pay special attention to the need to prevent and fight the threat to international peace and security as a result of terrorist activities;
6) выражает свою готовность рассмотреть соответствующие положения докладов, упомянутых в пункте 5 выше, и принять необходимые меры согласно своим обязанностям по Уставу Организации Объединенных Наций в целях противодействия угрозам международному миру и безопасности, исходящим от терроризма; 6) expresses its readiness to consider relevant provisions of the reports mentioned in paragraph 5 above and to take necessary steps in accordance with its responsibilities under the Charter of the United Nations in order to counter terrorist threats to international peace and security;
7) постановляет заниматься этим вопросом. 7) decides to remain seized of this matter.

3. Составьте англо-русский глоссарий терминов по следующему тексту.

Terms for Describing Terrorism

Since today’s world newspapers, radio and television programs around the globe are all too often filled with accounts of terrorist attacks, suicide bombing and other such horrific acts, the Russian-English/English-Russian translator or interpreter is well advised to have a variety of synonyms in his active linguistic baggage. “Shocking”, a word commonly used to describe terrorist acts, can be supplemented or replaced by a wide variety of negative adjectives such as “abominable’ (отвратительный ), “appalling” (жуткий ), “atrocious” (зверский, гнусный ), “brutal” (жестокий ), “frightful” (ужасный, страшный ), “hateful” (ненавистный ), “heinous” (омерзительный ), “hideous” (безобразный ), “horrible” (ужасный ), “monstrous” (чудовищный ), “obnoxious” (противный, несносный ), “odious” (ненавистный, противный ), “outrageous” (безобразный, возмутительный ), “repugnant” (отвратительный ), “repulsive” (отталкивающий ), “sickening” (тошнотворный ), “terrible” (страшный, ужасный ), “vile” (гнусный ). Another useful word is “unspeakable” – “unspeakable acts” imply actions so awful that one is loath to even talk of them. These deeds may also be “brazen” (дерзкие ). A common Russian adjective describing such acts is коварный , as in коварная изощренность террористов . While the dictionary defines коварный as “treacherous” or “perfidious”, in many contexts these may not be appropriate translations. In the given phrase, “insidious” or “fiendish” sophistication of the terrorists would successfully render the phrase’s meaning.

“Reprehensible” implies something which is both предосудительный and отвратительный – “revolting”. “Disgusting” is somewhat too colloquial for such situations. And the correct adjective to render варварский is “barbaric”, not “barbarian”, as in “barbaric bombings” or “the barbaric and sick individuals who committed these acts”.

The individual who carries out such acts is the “perpetrator”, and he ‘commits”, ‘carries out” or “perpetrates” his evil deeds. The individuals who order him to do so, заказчики or зачинщики are the ‘masterminds”, “ringleaders” or “instigators” of violence. While the word бандиты often comes up in reference to terrorists, the English word “bandits” should be avoided. A far better translation is “thug”; the пособники or приспешники of terrorists are their “henchmen” or ‘accomplices”, or “those who aid and abet terrorists”. Преступные банды террористов is better translated as “criminal gangs” than as “bands”. Но дело (“cause”) can justify the actions of any заблудившиеся (“misguided”, “deluded”) individuals, would-be martyrs (мученики ) or fanatics.

While сильный и беспощадный враг , as terrorists are often called, can be translated as a ‘strong and merciless enemy”, “ruthless” is a more idiomatic translation of беспощадный , and a very useful word to describe someone who has no scruples/moral principleswill stop at nothing/will not shrink/shirk from perpetrating any kind of terrorist act.

Вопрос о дальнейшей активизации и повышении сотрудничества в борьбе с терроризмом is the “vitally”, “critically important ” or “crucial’ issue of the continuous/continued further revitalization (“activization “ is not a good choice here) of effective cooperation in combating rettorism”. Борьба с терроризмом can be rendered in several ways: the war on terrorism/campaign against terrorism/struggle/fight against terrorism. And решение приоритетной задачи борьбы с терроризмом can be rendered as “the high(est) priority objective of resolving (not solving) the challenge/issue/problem of the fight/struggle against terrorism.”

Террористические акты , потрясшие мир, are acts which “shocked”, “stunned”, “rocked”, or “convulsed” the world, or “made the world reel”. While террористические очаги are often translated as “hotbeds” or “flashpoints” of terrorism, in some contexts these can be “strongholds” or “bastions”.

We often hear about the главное условие успеха – “the key to success” or “prerequisite for” success in the war on terrorism. Враг – «enemy/adversary/opponent” – далеко не сломлен – “has by no means/has not yet been defeated/conquered/smashed”. The forces of evil рвутся к обладанию оружием массового уничтожения – “are (desperately) trying /eager/out/to acquire weapons of mass destruction”. There are also многочисленные неопровержимые доказательства – “a great deal of/a plethora of/incontrovertible/irrefutable evidence” regarding terrorists activities.

Терроризм нужно полностью искоренить/ликвидировать can be translated as “Terrorism must be eliminated/destroyed/wiped out/ended”. This also requires putting an end to its питательная среда , or “breeding grounds”. Совместные усилия – “joint” or “common” efforts are needed to defeat the terrorists, and those involved in this struggle must “pool” or “unite” (not “share”) their efforts. What is required is a комплексный подход к противодействию терроризму . Better than “a comprehensive” approach would be “multipronged” or “multifaceted”. Also needed are решительные, сплоченные и выверенные действия международного сообщества – vigorous/resolute (much better than “firm”), united and considered actions on the part of the international community”. As the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs stated in his speech to the UN security Council.

Использование методов террора ставит крест на политических амбициях тех, кто этим занимается, однозначно превращает их в преступников и подлинных изгоев. Не может быть никакого оправдания их действиям. И сами мы должны действовать в отношении их соответственно: преступники обязаны неси наказание за содеянное .

The translator here is presented with plenty of interesting possibilities. The use of terror can either “doom” or “put an end to” the political “strivings” (better than “ambitions”) of those engaged/involved in terrorism, and (“and” is necessary in English) clearly/unequivocally/stamps/marks/brands them as criminals and utter/absolute pariahs/the lowest of the low/places them beyond the pale. There can be no justification for their actions. And we must take appropriate action against them: the criminals must be punished/punishment must be meted out for their actions (or, much better) – for what they have wrought. In other words, they cannot be allowed to act безнаказанно – “with impunity”. Terrorists must not be allowed to уйти от правосудия – “to escape from justice”.

Those who укрывают террористов , “harbor/give refuge” to terrorists must also be punished. As the Foreign Minister pointed out in his speech: «Для России укрепление международной солидарности в борьбе с терроризмом – не дань политической риторике ». For Russia strengthening/consolidating international solidarity/unity in the war on/campaign/fight against terrorism is not empty rhetoric/hollow platitudes/mere political gesturing/lip service/mere verbiage. All those who are fighting against terrorism must питать надежду − harbor/cherish the hope” that terrorism will be eliminated.

The translator/interpreter must take care to keep abreast of the growing vocabulary of political, military and humanitarian terminology so frequently used in discussion of this scourge of the twenty-first century.

Англо-русский глоссарий по теме “Terrorism”.

1. Attack

  • a bomb attack – взрыв бомбы;
  • a nerve gas attack – теракт с использованием нервнопаралитического газа;
  • a suicide bomb attack – взрыв, осуществленный террористом-смертником;
  • to be killed/injured/wounded in a bomb attack – погибнуть/получить ранения в результате взрыва бомбы;
  • to launch an attack – совершить нападение, теракт;
  • to stage an attack − совершить нападение, теракт;
  • to carry out an attack − совершить нападение, теракт.

2. Bombing – врыв бомбы

  • a deadly bombing – взрыв бомбы, повлекший многочисленные жертвы;
  • a suicide bombing − взрыв, осуществленный террористом-смертником;
  • car bombing – взрыв автомобиля, начиненного взрывчаткой.

3. А bomb

  • a road side bomb − придорожная бомба;
  • a timed bomb − бомба с часовым механизмом;
  • a bomb blasted/detonated/exploded/went off – взорвалась бомба;
  • a bomb killed injured/wounded…people – в результате взрыва бомбы погибли/получили ранения…человек;
  • to plant a bomb – заложить бомбу.

4. An explosive – взрывчатое вещество, взрывчатка

  • a powerful explosive – мощное взрывное вещество;
  • to defuse an explosive device – обезвредить взрывное устройство;
  • to set off explosive devices by remote control − привести в действие взрывное устройство при помощи дистанционного управления;
  • to wear an explosives belt – иметь на себе пояс шахида.

5. А hostage − заложник

  • to hold smb hostage – удерживать кого-либо в заложниках;
  • to hold hostages − удерживать заложников;
  • to release hostages – освободить заложников;
  • to take smb hostage – взять кого-либо в заложники;
  • to take (20) hostages – захватить (20) заложников.

6. А terrorist act – террористический акт

  • to carry out/commit/perpetrate terrorist acts – совершать теракты;
  • to incite/instigate terrorist acts – провоцировать теракты;
  • to mastermind terrorist acts – готовить теракты;
  • to plot terrorist acts – замышлять теракты.

    a group of armed kidnappers – группа вооруженных похитителей;

    a police raid – полицейский рейд, операция;

    a training camp – тренировочный лагерь;

    an asylum-seeker – беженец, просящий о предоставлении убежища;

    an increase in acts of international terrorism – увеличение числа актов международного терроризма;

    death count – количество погибших;

    in all forms and manifestations – во всех формах и проявлениях;

    in conformity with the relevant provisions of national and international law − согласно соответствующим положениям национального законодательства и международного права;

    kidnapping for ransom – похищение с целью выкупаSyn. abduction for ransom;

    suspected mastermind – подозреваемый организатор;

    suspected terrorists – предполагаемые террористы;

    the commission of terrorist acts – совершение терактов;

    the Interior Minister – министр внутренних дел;

    the speedy adoption of the pending conventions – скорейшее принятие еще не принятых конвенций;

    through all lawful means – всеми законными средствами;

    to blow oneself up – взорвать себя;

    to blame smb for smth/to blame smth on smb – обвинить кого-либо в чем-либо;

    to blow up a train – взорвать поездSyn. to blast;

    to bring to justice the perpetrators of the terrorist acts – привлечь к ответственности лиц, виновных в совершении терактов;

    to capture smb/smth – захватить кого-либо, что-либоSyn. to seize smb/smth;

    to cause major damage – вызвать значительные разрушения;

    to claim responsibility for the attack – взять ответственность за теракт;

    to combat international terrorism – бороться с международным терроризмом;

    to consider smth as a matter of priority – рассмотреть какой-либо вопрос в первоочередном порядке;

    to contribute to the efforts to combat terrorism − внести вклад в усилия по борьбе с терроризмом;

    to counter the terrorist threat – противодействовать угрозе терроризма;

    to demand the release – требовать освобождения;

    to deny safe haven – отказать в убежище;

    to detonate an explosion – привести в действие взрывное устройство;

    to eliminate international terrorism – ликвидировать международный терроризм;

    to endanger the lives and well-being of individuals – представлять опасность для жизни и благосостояния людей;

    to grant refugee status – предоставить статус беженца;

    to hide out in… − скрываться в…;

    to hijack a plane – угнать самолет;

    to hit targets – поразить цели;

    to hold smb responsible for smth – возложить ответственность за что-либо на кого-либо;

    to intensify fight against terrorism – активизировать борьбу с терроризмом;

    to promote universal participation in − поощрять всеобщее участие;

    to quash a rebel movement – подавить повстанческое движение;

    to shoot down a plane – сбить самолетSyn. to bring down a plane;

    to sign a peace accord – подписать мирное соглашение;

    to stop the rebellion – подавить восстание;

    to storm a building – взять штурмом здание;

    to unequivocally condemn all acts of terrorism as unjustifiable – безоговорочно осудить все акты терроризма как не имеющие оправдания;

    to unleash a new tide of terror – развязать новую волну террора;

    under the auspices of the UN – под эгидой ООН.

“abominable” (отвратительный ), act of terrorism
“appalling” (жуткий ),
“atrocious” (зверский, гнусный ),
“barbaric”( варварский ),
“brazen” (дерзкий ),
“brutal” (жестокий ),
“frightful” (ужасный, страшный ),
“hateful” (ненавистный ),
“heinous” (омерзительный ),
“hideous” (безобразный ),
“horrible” (ужасный ),
“monstrous” (чудовищный ),
“obnoxious” (противный, несносный ),
“odious” (ненавистный, противный ),
“outrageous” (безобразный, возмутительный ),
“repugnant” (отвратительный ),
“repulsive” (отталкивающий ),
“sickening” (тошнотворный ),
“terrible” (страшный, ужасный ),
“vile” (гнусный )

Русско-английский глоссарий по теме «Терроризм»

    активизировать – to revitalize/to intensify ;

    бандиты – thugs ;

    борьба с терроризмом – the war on terrorism/campaign against terrorism/struggle/fight against terrorism ;

    будущее мироустройство – future world order ;

    верховенство международного права – supremacy of international law/rule of international law ;

    воспользоваться сложной обстановкой в области безопасности – to take advantage of the complicated security situation ;

    восстановить боевые возможности – to restore combat capabilities ;

    восстановить единство международного сообщества – to restore the unity of the international community ;

    действовать в рамках законности на основе международного права – to act within the framework of legality, on the basis of international law ;

    зачинщики/заказчики – masterminds/ringleaders/instigators ;

    избежать разрастания кризисных процессов в международной политике – to avoid the intensification of crises in international politics ;

    коварная изощренность террористов – the insidious/fiendish sophistication of the terrorists ;

    комплексный подход к противодействию терроризму – a multipronged/multifaceted approach to countering terrorism ;

    Контртеррористический комитет СБ ООН – the Counterterrorism Committee of the UN Security Council ;

    ликвидировать сеть международного терроризма – to eliminate the international terrorist network ;

    межгосударственное антитеррористическое сотрудничество – interstate counterterrorist cooperation ;

    многочисленные неопровержимые доказательства – a great deal of/a plethora of/incontrovertible/irrefutable evidence ;

    объединить усилия международного сообщества – to unite/to pool the efforts of the international community ;

    односторонние акции против суверенных государств – unilateral actions against sovereign states ;

    питательная среда – breeding/fertile ground ;

    питать надежду – to harbor/cherish the hope ;

    победить международный терроризм – to defeat international terrorism ;

    под лозунгами борьбы с терроризмом – under the banner of combating terrorism ;

    подорвать единство международного сообщества – to undermine the unity of the international community ;

    пособники/приспешники – henchmen/accomplices ;

    поставить под сомнение основополагающие цели и идеалы – to call into question fundamental goals and ideals ;

    преступные банды террористов – criminal gangs ;

    приспосабливаться к меняющимся условиям – to adjust to changing conditions ;

    приуменьшать потенциал террористов – to underestimate the capabilities of terrorists ;

    расшатать основы широкой международной антитеррористической коалиции – to shake the foundations of broad international anti-terrorist coalition ;

    рваться к обладанию оружием массового уничтожения – to desperately try to acquire weapons of mass destruction ;

    решение приоритетной задачи борьбы с терроризмом – the highest priority objective of resolving the challenge/issue/problem of the fight/struggle against terrorism ;

    решительные действия – resolute actions ;

    сбалансированная неконфронтационная внешняя политика России – balanced and non-confrontational foreign policy of Russia ;

    совместные усилия – joint/common efforts ;

    сплотиться перед лицом общего врага – to unite in the face of a common enemy ;

    сплоченная антитеррористическая кампания – united anti-terrorist campaign ;

    сплоченные действия – united actions ;

    столкнуться с угрозой крупномасштабных террористических актов – to face the threat of large-scale terrorist acts ;

    террористические акты, потрясшие мир – the terrorist acts which shocked/stunned/rocked/convulsed the world ;

    террористические очаги – hotbeds/flashpoints/strongholds ;

    уйти от правосудия – to escape from justice ;

    укрепление центральной роли ООН – strengthening the central role of the UN ;

    укрывать террористов – to harbor /give refuge to terrorists ;

    устранение глобальной угрозы человечеству – elimination of the global threat to humanity ;

    усугубление теругрозы – aggravation of the terrorist threat .

Терроризм - это то слово, которое вызывает ужас, страх и одновременно сочувствие. Вспоминая кадры террористических актов, передаваемых по телевидению смесь чувств переполняет. К совершившему это преступления, а, точнее, ужасный поступок возникает два противоречивых отношения. Это: жалость и ненависть. Первое чувство возникает вследствие осознания того, что этот человек всего лишь пешка и за террористическими актами стоит множество людей. Второе - потому, что он все-таки это совершил и не с намеченной для него траектории. Но как говорят, со стороны хорошо судить, а вот если бы вся горесть коснулась, то мнение было совершенно другое.

Проблемы терроризма - как фактора, оказывающего давление на общество

Терроризм - это прежде всего проблема не одной страны, а всего мирового сообщества. Так как террористические акты гремят по всему миру. Вследствие них гибнет множество людей, страдают многие семьи, а также инфраструктура городов. Но искоренение терроризма это очень сложная задача и пока что в мире есть преступность - она становится практически не решаемой. Так как основное доход террористов - это на подпольном рынке оружия и наркотических средств.

Еще одной значимой проблемой терроризма является привлечения к этой деятельности детей. Их с самого рождения готовят к их миссии. Ни для кого не секрет, что под меньшее подозрение попадает ребенок, поэтому ему легче проникнуть, ведь досмотр на вокзалах в основном ведется за взрослыми.

Борьба с глобальной проблемой - терроризмом

В современном мире ведется ожесточенная борьба с террористическими организациями, чтобы добиться успехов в которой, применяется множество методов. Борьба только при помощи боевых действий не даст желаемого результата, ведь если уничтожить одну экстремистскую группировку, на ее месте образуется другая. Поэтому против террористов используются как политические, так экономические и информационные методы. Создание определенных подразделений, деятельность которых объединяет в себе борьбу с террористами и преступниками. Одной из таких известных организаций является Интерпол (Интернациональная ). С политической точки зрения можно отметить внедрение законопроектов ограничивающих или запрещающих носить оружие. Информационные методы - это прежде всего антитеррористическая пропаганда, ведь не зря по телевизору, в интернете и газетах терроризм представлен во всех красках.

Терроризм - это страшнейшее проявление экстремизма, которое не оставляет большинство равнодушными.

Terrorism as a Global Problem

Controversial issue is a special sphere of education and social life that is necessary for our intellectual development. It gives us a possibility to get acquainted with significant problems of the modern world and even help to solve them. The number of problems such as international terrorism, discrimination, religion and science conflicts, nuclear weapons and others are of crucial importance and their solution is necessary to preserve the national policy.

Terrorism is the global problem nowadays that endanger life of every person on the earth. The primary purpose of all governments should encourage and enable people to join their forces against terrorism and win it by common efforts . The government should recognize the paramount importance of this problem and the political activity should be subservient to that major consideration.

To solve the problem of global terrorism, we must try to find the roots of it, to analyze the actions of countries taken against terrorism, social attitude to this phenomenon. I would say that current policy isn’t able not just to stop the march of terrorism but even to miniaturize it. Mass media leads active struggle against terrorism but very often this process isn’t connected with definite well-known terrorists. They blame whole nations without any division. The consequences of such actions are predictable: people begin to hate not terrorists as a whole but correlate terrorists with definite nationalities, Arabic, for example. Terrorism as a national phenomenon is a great problem and its understanding can help us to find the way out.

Terrorism needs serious and responsible public attitude, but sometimes hiding after the generous aims of the liquidation of terrorism, politicians limited civil liberties of some nationalities. Internet sites and mass media can abuse position of some social and ethnic groups and give false information about them.

All these and many other facts only promote terrorism. Aggressive attitude to the Arabic people and their religion causes fits of anger in Arabic countries and can even lead to acts of terrorism. To avoid these national hatred we must get aquatinted with Arabic culture, traditions and religion, to understand that not all people in these countries support terrorism and that their religion doesn’t propagate to kill people of other religions. So, the first step is to take under rigid control mass media and Internet. Information about terrorism and terrorists must be objective and factual. Real facts are necessary for the correct understanding of the situation. Then it’s necessary to give children and teenagers the real facts as they represent the future generation to rule the country. Subjective understanding of the matter should be minimized as subjective opinion causes emotional reaction while to solve this problem we must be guided only by common sense.

The knowing of the definition of terrorism is necessary to take strong measures to overcome this global trouble. The definition is rather controversial and that is why very often its different interpretations can be used in the own interests of some individuals. As a whole terrorism means aggressive actions with the use of violence against ordinary civilians aimed to intimidate politicians. Term “terrorism” is often used to show that the actions taken by a group of people are violent, unlawful and immoral.

The official beginning of terrorism is connected with the 19th century, although violent aggressive actions of certain groups of people were noticed much earlier. The term appeared for the first time during the Reign of Terror (1793-1794). In 1867 the Iris Republic Brotherhood attacked England and after then acts of terror have become recurrent phenomena.

The victims by the year 1985 counted 816 people, in 2001 the number of deaths rose to 3,295 because of the attacks on the 11th of September, 2001. More than 1,000 people died because of acts of terror in 2003.

The answer to the events of September 11, 2001 was the so-called “War on terror” proclaimed by George W. Bush. The main aim of which was to unit huge number of people and stop acts of terror not just in the USA but al over the world. However, to exterminate the evil by another evil is impossible, and taking united aggressive actions against acts of terror can do noting. "The word terror activates your fear. The war on terror is not about stopping you from being afraid, it "s about making you afraid.". Another point of view says that: "Reviewing the background to US sponsored Argentinian and Israeli terrorism reveals how the fictional "war on terror" is just another pretext for the pillage of Latin America by the US government and its favoured multinational corporations.".

Aiming to get rid of terrorism, the war just lighted the fire of hatred between different nationalities. Former Australian minister, Gareth Evans so voices his concerns: "The unhappy truth is that the net result of the war on terror, so far at least, has been more war and more terror".

To blame Islam in the existence of terrorism and to consider all Arabic people terrorists is silly and nonsensical. The name Islam means “peace” translated from the Arabic language. Examining Arabic Belief system we find that aggressive actions have no place in it. To take a life that Allah gave a trust to the human is a great sin in the Islamic world. Suicide bombing, which takes people’s lives is forbidden:"...If anyone killed a person not in retaliation for murder or to spread mischief in the land, it would be as if he killed the whole of mankind. And (likewise) if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the whole of mankind"

Terrorism being a global problem needs special attention and careful attitude. Exploring the roots of this phenomenon is necessary to find ways out. A special organization must be created. It’s main aim would be to inform population about all acts of terror, to make them aquatinted with Arabic and other cultures whose representatives have been terrorists, to get rid of national hatred. This organization would spend special meetings in colleges, universities and at schools where global problems could be discussed. It would form objective independent opinion that would help people to get together and overcome this trouble that endanger all lives.

While the military power still retains significance in relations among states, an ever greater role is being played by economic, political, scientific and technological, ecological, and information factors. As the main components of a national power of a state are its intellectual, information and communications capabilities, the well-being and education level of the population, the degree of combining of scientific and production resources, and concentration of financial capital and diversification of economic ties. A lot of states are set on trade market methods of managing the economy and democratic values. The major breakthrough in a number of key areas of scientific and technological progress leading to the formation of worldwide information environment. The deepening and diversification of international economic leads to interdependence of states.

At the same time, new challenges and threats are emerging in the international sphere:

· There is a growing trend towards the establishment of a unipolar structure of the world with the economic and power domination of the United States.

· In solving principal questions of international security, the stakes are being placed on western institutions and on weakening the role of the U.N. Security Council.

· Globalization of the world economy gives rise to new dangers, especially for economically weak states, and increases the probability of large-scale financial and economic crises. There is a growing risk of dependence of the economic system and information environment on outside impact;

· There is an intensification of the role of international institutions and mechanisms in world economics and politics ("Group of 8", the IMF, the World Bank and others).

· Integrated associations are acquiring an ever greater importance in the world economy, and are becoming a significant factor of regional and sub-regional security and peacemaking. Attempts to belittle the role of a sovereign state as the fundamental element of international relations generate a threat of interference in internal affairs.

· The problem of proliferation of the weapons of mass destruction and means of their delivery is acquiring serious dimensions. Unregulated or potential regional and local armed conflicts are threat to international peace and security.

· The growth of international terrorism, transnational organized crime, as well as illegal trafficking in drugs and weapons are beginning to influence on global and regional stability.

INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM is the Activities that involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of any State; appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by assassination or kidnapping; and occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S., or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished

Effects of Illegal Drug Trade on Societies

The countries of illegal drug production, which are usually developing countries, have been seen as the worst affected by global drug trade. The youth of countries like Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, where drugs like heroin are produced, see drugs as a point of contact with the West. To them the use of drugs represents modernity and is associated with the glitz and glam of developed nations, such as fancy cars and big houses. The drugs are seen as a doorway to a better life; while in reality drugs produce long term consequences and problems in societies, such as health problems (spread of HIV/AIDS), and further socio-economic and political instability.

Unfortunately drug abuse often affects the youth turning a source of vibrant productivity into a burden on society. Many countries in the developing world have large numbers of homeless children, this is a result of widespread poverty, urban migration, and breakdowns in the social service sector following structural adjustments. In large Indian cities such as Mumbai, Kolkata, and New Delhi it is estimated that there are over 100,000 street children, many of whom are involved in drug use. In recent years, similar patterns have developed in Southeast Asia and Cambodia. Laos and Vietnam now have “substantial populations of street children consuming drugs, living precariously with little or no family support or guardians”. These homeless children receive no education or training that would allow them to participate in national development.

Nuclear proliferation is a term now used to describe the spread of nuclear weapons, fissile material, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information, to nations which are not recognized as "Nuclear Weapon States" by the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, also known as the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

Proliferation has been opposed by many nations with and without nuclear weapons, the governments of which fear that more countries with nuclear weapons may increase the possibility of nuclear warfare, de-stabilize international or regional relations, or infringe upon the national sovereignty of states.

Four nations, none of which signed or ratified the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, have acquired, or are presumed to have acquired, nuclear weapons: India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel. One critique of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty is that it is discriminatory in recognizing the as nuclear weapon states only those counties that tested nuclear weapons before 1968 and requiring all other states joining the treaty to forswear nuclear weapons.

The world order of the XXI century must be based on mechanisms of collective resolution of key problems, on the priority of law and broad democratization of international relations.

Resulting “War on Terror”

The terrible events of September 11 saw the considerable quieting of what was until then growing domestic and international criticism of the Bush Administration. The September 11 events resulted in a “war on terror” which saw support for Bush and his popularity soar at the time.

Up to September 11, 2001, the Bush administration was being criticized around the world for its stances on various issues domestically and internationally. Even European and other allies were very critical of positions on numerous global issues.

But even before the Bush Administration, throughout the world, many nations and groups of people had expressed their frustrations at how U.S. foreign policies had affected them on all sorts of issues, ranging from economic/globalization issues that have deepened poverty and/or inequality for most people around the world; geopolitics/arms/missile defense; environmental issues and so on. Protests either directly, or indirectly at U.S. policies have occurred all around the world-especially on globalization issues-as mentioned on this web site. (See the section on global protests for more on that, for example).

Yet that cannot be an excuse for the atrocity of September 11 as it killed many innocent people. At the same time, people have correctly pointed out that when other regions around the world have faced similar terrorist attacks, the outpouring of concern and condemnation has not been as much. The Washington Post (September 12, 2001) even dared to admit this at such a sensative time shortly after the attacks. (Their article is no longer online.)

However, behind the unity of the American people in the shock of September 11, a heightened sense of security has resulted with concerns reverberating throughout the world, which of course affects all citizens. Many are concerned about the crackdown of freedoms and civil liberties in various nations that has resulted because of this. Many are concerned that various countries around the world can also use this “war on terror” as an excuse to pursue more aggressive options or other policies that affect the rights of citizens.

For example, consider the concerns Amnesty International raised in October 2001, shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks: “In the name of fighting ‘international terrorism’, governments have rushed to introduce draconian new measures that threaten the human rights of their own citizens, immigrants and refugees…. Governments have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their citizens, but measures taken must not undermine fundamental human rights standards. It appears that some of the initiatives currently being discussed or implemented may be used to curb basic human rights and to suppress internal opposition. Some of the definitions of ‘terrorism’ under discussion are so broad that they could be used to criminalize anyone out of favour with those in power and criminalize legitimate peaceful exercise of the right to freedom of expression and association. They could also put at risk the right to privacy and threaten the rights of minorities and asylum-seekers.”

In May 2003, Amnesty International charged, “The ‘war on terror’, far from making the world a safer place, has made it more dangerous by curtailing human rights, undermining the rule of international law and shielding governments from scrutiny. It has deepened divisions among people of different faiths and origins, sowing the seeds for more conflict. The overwhelming impact of all this is genuine fear-among the affluent as well as the poor.”

And thereby to bring about a particular political objective. Terrorism has been practiced by political organizations with both rightist and leftist objectives, by nationalistic and religious groups, by revolutionaries, and even by state institutions such as armies, intelligence services, and police.

Rescue workers evacuating the bodies of victims of a terrorist train bombing near Atocha Station, Madrid, March 11, 2004. Paul White-AP/REX/Shutterstock.com

Definitions of terrorism

Definitions of terrorism are usually complex and controversial, and, because of the ferocity and violence of terrorism, the term in its popular usage has developed an intense stigma. It was first coined in the 1790s to refer to the terror used during the by the revolutionaries against their opponents. The Jacobin party of carried out a involving mass executions by the . Although terrorism in this usage implies an act of violence by a state against its domestic enemies, since the 20th century the term has been applied most frequently to violence aimed, either directly or indirectly, at governments in an effort to influence policy or topple an existing regime.

The execution of Louis XVI in 1793. Album/Prism/Album/SuperStock

Terrorism is not legally defined in all jurisdictions; the statutes that do exist, however, generally share some common elements. Terrorism involves the use or threat of violence and seeks to create fear, not just within the direct victims but among a wide audience. The degree to which it relies on fear distinguishes terrorism from both conventional and warfare. Although conventional military forces invariably engage in against the enemy, their principal means of victory is strength of arms. Similarly, guerrilla forces, which often rely on acts of terror and other forms of propaganda , aim at military victory and occasionally succeed (e.g., the in Vietnam and the in Cambodia). Terrorism proper is thus the systematic use of violence to generate fear, and thereby to achieve political goals, when direct military victory is not possible. This has led some social scientists to refer to as the “weapon of the weak” and terrorism as the “weapon of the weakest.”

In order to attract and maintain the publicity necessary to generate widespread fear, terrorists must engage in increasingly dramatic, violent, and high-profile attacks. These have included , takings, kidnappings, car bombings, and, frequently, suicide bombings. Although apparently random, the victims and locations of terrorist attacks often are carefully selected for their shock value. Schools, shopping centres, bus and train stations, and restaurants and nightclubs have been targeted both because they attract large crowds and because they are places with which members of the civilian population are familiar and in which they feel at ease. The goal of terrorism generally is to destroy the public’s sense of security in the places most familiar to them. Major targets sometimes also include buildings or other locations that are important economic or political symbols, such as embassies or military installations. The hope of the terrorist is that the sense of terror these acts engender will induce the population to pressure political leaders toward a specific political end.

An Indian policeman firing a shot during a 12-hour-long gun battle in the town of Dinanagar, in the northern state of Punjab, India, July 27, 2015. Three armed gunmen attacked a police station, killing four police officers and three civilians before succumbing to the counterassault by local police and Indian commando units. Channi Anand/AP Images

Some definitions treat all acts of terrorism, regardless of their political motivations, as simple criminal activity. For example, in the the standard definition used by the (FBI) describes terrorism as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.” The element of criminality, however, is problematic, because it does not distinguish among different political and legal systems and thus cannot account for cases in which violent attacks against a government may be legitimate . A frequently mentioned example is the (ANC) of , which committed violent actions against that country’s apartheid government but commanded broad sympathy throughout the world. Another example is the movement against the Nazi occupation of France during .

Oil wells near Kuwait city, Kuwait, that were set on fire by retreating Iraqi forces during the Persian Gulf War (1990–91). Tech. Sgt. David McLeod/U.S. Department of Defense
